Lutes for sale
Last updated 26/04/2025
For Sale: 8crs Lute Based on Hieber (MIM1561)
8crs Renaissance lute based on Hieber of Venice (MIM1561), original string length of 59.7cm in g' (a=440Hz) in NNG and CD basses, the Hieber lutes one of the few surviving lutes still in it's original form. This one has plum ribs, black walnut neck and peg box with original design pear wood pegs, ebony fingerboard, alpine spruce soundboard with original rose and ebony edging, pear wood end pin.
£2718 (£2064+Kingham case £654)
For Sale 7crs Renaissance lute based on Wolfgang Wolf (Stadtmuseum Fussen Nr4669)
This interesting instrument by Wolfgang Wolf survives as a rare 12crs lute so didn't get converted to a later baroque lute as many did so has some interesting marks on the soundboard hinting at it's earlier life, I decided to make as it may have been originally made by Wolfgang Wolf in Fussen as a 6 or even a 7crs. The 7crs was chosen as it allows for more repertoire to be played, tuned in g' 61.5cm string length. Ribs are a mix of various shades of heartwood and sapwood Yew, slightly figured maple neck and peg box with pear wood pegs and bridge. The body is smaller in width than the popular Frei lute but noticeably deeper in depth as seen above (15cm). The instrument can be bought with a custom made Kingham case or the shuster hard plastic case at £298
£1771+ case £298
For sale 8crs multi ribbed lute based on Hans Burkholtzer (NE48) Gut strung
Below is another Burkholtzer with the same materials as above but with a golden rose and tuned to a=380 Hz (Renaissance pitch/Pretorius' Chorton pitch) with part gut trebles and and octaves with CD loaded gut bases, the string length is 64cm, this can be heard here. If this pitch is not preferred then a new set of Nylgut and CD basses could always be ordered at standard 440Hz pitch but a new size of strings would need to be calculated.
£2575+ Kingham case £618 (discounted to £2175 + case £618 for variation in soundboard colour as seen below, made 2021)
Here this golden rose Burkholtzer being played below: